Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Battle lies Within...

Time, this year, is going very fast. I feel that alot of things I need to overcome...
but I need time which i don't have.
I have a new responsibility now. How I am going to use my power this one month to change anything i always wanted to change.
How am I going to score well, study hard and at the same time conquer my fear of changes, and overcome the fear of going into the next stage...
I really hope I can exchange my responsibility in return of something I really need!
But I know that is impossible, because this power, this responsibility is something that cast onto me and I must hold it to help other as much as I can.. And hopefully it will help myself at the same time... This is what I choose and with this something in return must be sacrifice... I have found that power and i choose it, therefore with this power i must hold its responsibility...

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