Friday, March 14, 2008


TO all new NCO,
now you have know how difficult it was to be an NCO... So think back the trouble you have given us ((: lol. NVM abt that.
Well good job for the camp. Actually I can say keep up the good work. ((: there might be alot of downs during this stage but all I can say is, this is a part of NCOship.
Some of you might think of being a SI or BUC. All I can say is everyone do have a chance to be one. Is just whats your aim?
Or maybe i can say better don't think of that, think what can you do for your comrades and your cadets or even the UNIT. That is the most important ((:
Good luck to all for your next 1 and a 1/2 year being NCO
Anything can all approach me or any Senior or CI. ((:

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