Thursday, April 3, 2008

Qingdelogic--Theory of whos better in life?

Today I was talking to CEO Sim and Qihao. I suddenly out of no where come out with the topic :Do you realise that I seldom say other clever or something like that? Or this guy is handsome.
Weixiang said, "Cos you handsome ma...!!"
I said, "No... I just Decent-looking"
I continued by saying," The reason is very simple. If I say one is handsome, I am actually comparing myself to that person and as the result I am saying I am not better then the person. Because " What one say is What he or she gets". "
So i my opinion the person might get A1 but does not means that he is Clever. But just that he know more then me and understood the concept better.
Something he knew i might not know. But in other hand Things that I know he might not know. ((:
We can say everyone is equal is just one want to make the effort not?
Life is a race. Everyone can be a winner is just you want to discipline yourself and make just that little effort.
In this race people will say when the 1st person cross the finish line he is the winner. But in fact if everyone make an effort to run this race everyone has already won the race. Is just that the one that cross the line 1st make more effort then you.
This tell us effort cannot be measured. If you want to WIN you should GO ALL OUT!

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