Thursday, April 5, 2007

YEAH!!! I Am Back Online!!!

After so long i finally got my broadband working again!
Today, many interesting thing happen in school and I feel that or rather we(all my friends) feel that today ended quite interesting for the week.
First thing in the morning, Qi hao was not in school, so andrew and I thought that he sick or what.
But ended up he was just late.
After recess, we are supose to go back to class but then, we are to go to the hall because there are bees at the classroom block! AHHHHHH!!!
Oh my god!
HS history--> 1st time bees coming into classes!!!
I actually do not know what happen just know that there are bees at classroom block!
The teachers evacuate all the upper secondary students to the hall.
The ''pest buster'' also there to get the bees to 'go'.
At the hall also nothing to do. Listen to teacher tell stories.
Cool right? today!!!
I will remember this day for my life!

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