Monday, March 26, 2007

Bread, Bread and more Bread!!

Today, my class 4a1 went to the Gardenia Factory, located together with all the food industries...
We was dismissed at 2pm due to the bus leaving at 2 30 sharp.
Andrew and me and the others on broad the bus at 230.
On the bus we sing song joke around haha...
Mrs Kok also act like a tourguide telling us what is this what is that.
At the factory,
first we went to the second level of the factory.
Next a lady introduced how the factory works.
then went into the place where we see how the bread was been made.
The factory is quite small and they use automatic machine to make the bread.
I was surpise to know that with such a small factory they can produce so much bread i think there is more then a 100, 000 loaves of bread!!!
Cool right!!!
that it for today...

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