Friday, May 11, 2007

11 May 2007.

Today feel kind of missing out something. I am not sure what is it. Maybe is something I plan to do today did go as well as I thought it will be.
Siansation... is back now only one person can help me...
Just now, Mr Wei Siong Sir, call mianke and me to take those people never go for NPCC DAY PARADE. Both of us, keep telling him cannot and cannot, but all i can say is, " With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility".
Siansation is back to me...
Like I say only one person can help me and that person is...

1 comment:

meiling said...

hellos.. wa u sure noe how to encourage urself. (: haha this my first comment for u oso dunno wan write wad leh. (: c u tml at de training!! BYES!!